Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Shout-Out #1: Get Your Character Portraits!

The first shout-out in this blog goes to one of my old high school friends, Karen Leonardo. I ran into her my first year in high school at the activities fair. She was president of the Simulation Gaming Society (SGS) that year and was manning their booth at the time. I had already decided that I was going to join the chess club which met on the same day, so I politely declined to join. That didn’t stop her from chasing me down the hall, trying to get me to join, when she caught me eyeing the RPG books she had on display. As it turned out, the chess club people were less than likable and a few weeks later I joined SGS where I hung out after school, Thursdays, for the rest of high school. Thanks Karen.

Since then Karen has been to college and got her degree in art some years ago. Now, for $20, she’s offering to paint a portrait for your RPG character. Ever wanted an image to illustrate what your character looks like to your group but don’t have the skills to draw it yourself? Ever wanted a group picture for the party to immortalize that one favorite campaign? Well, here’s a link to her webpage: http://www.etsy.com/listing/99310780/rpg-character-portrait

An Interesting Time in the History of Dungeons & Dragons (background info for much of what will follow in the blog)

The Dungeons & Dragons game line is in a make or break moment in its history. I’ll get into why that is more, later, but first I should tell you how we got to this point.