About This Blog

My primary interest with this blog is pen and paper (also known as "table top") role-play games. Examples include Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and World of Darkness to name just a few. While playing these games is a lot of fun, I end up spending an awful lot of time thinking about the designs of the rules systems, the different ways one can use the dice and numbers to represent characters and elements of a story, and how these design choices affect the game play. I spend a fair amount of time reading through RPG rule books, and I will be posting my opinions on what I read here. I have also been known to try to right my own systems and will likely comment in this blog about any future work in that direction.

Beyond pen and paper role-play games, I'm interested in various card and board games, such as Magic the Gathering, Dominion, and Settlers of Catan, and have similar interests in their mechanics.

This blog is an outlet for these interests. I started this blog because it's easier to post my thoughts here, rather than trying to corner one of my friends for an hour or so to have a conversation. I also figure that it's good to have some record of my thoughts and to make them available for other people to comment on. It's even possible that there might be some other people out there that are interested in this stuff. Finally, I'm probably more coherent if I take the time to write these things out.

Finally, I should note that for the most part, this will not be a blog about computer games. If that’s what you're looking for, this blog is probably not for you. One major exception will be for any computer game I happen to be working on. I might also make other exceptions from time to time, depending on what I’m playing and if I feel motivated to say anything about them.

Lewis Flanagan

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