This post is long over due. Over a month ago, I was at a local game shop when I ran into a guy who runs the following company:
Basically, if you have a home-brew game that you would like to publish, or just would like a more finished version of it for yourself, you can go through this site. They will print whatever cards, pieces, game boards, etc. you need and package them for you. They have a large selection of various game tokens, dice, and so forth which you can pick from to build your game. Not only that, you can also sell your game through their site and, if you sell any copies, you can keep part of the profit!
I, sadly, do not have any home-brew games I would like to publish at the moment, though I'd like to give this a try sometime. However, I suspect there are some people reading this blog that have some ideas of their own and might benefit from their services.